University of Arizona employees or Banner Health professionals who are authorized to be a principal investigator on sponsored project.
VFCE Members
![]() Director, Valley Fever Center for Excellence
Professor, Internal Medicine Dr. Galgiani received his MD from Northwestern Medical School and completed a fellowship in Infectious Diseases at Stanford. In 1978, he joined the faculty of the University of Arizona where he has remained ever since, currently as Professor of Medicine. Dr. Galgiani has focused his career on the special problem of coccidioidomycosis, also known as Valley fever. His work has included studies of the impact of Valley fever on the general population and on special groups such as organ transplant recipients and patients with AIDS and is the lead author on the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s practice guidelines for coccidioidomycosis. In 1996, Dr. Galgiani founded the Valley Fever Center for Excellence. In collaboration with Banner Health, Dr. Galgiani developed and is now implementing a training program for primary care clinicians for prompt recognition and optimal management of patients with new Valley fever infections. The Center’s research has recently developed a vaccine candidate to prevent Valley fever in dogs and potentially in humans. |
Evaluation Manager, Campus Health Service
Rachel Abraham is a current DrPH candidate and serves as the Evaluation Manager at Campus Health Service. Her research aims to explore willingness of individuals to vaccinate and study how perceived risk impacts future vaccination. Additionally, Ms. Abraham's aims to study the economic impact of Valley fever within the state of Arizona. |
Infectious Disease Physician
My research interest is studying Valley fever in immunocompromised patients. I work as an infectious disease physician at BUMC. |
![]() Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
As an academic biostatistician, I collaborate with researchers in a variety of disciplines, including the clinicians and scientists at the Valley Fever Center for Excellence. I have provided study design and biostatistical analysis support on projects ranging from vaccine development to the assessment and development of prediction models from clinical data. |
![]() Research Assistant Professor, BIO5 Institute
Dr. Buntzman’s research leverages transcriptomics, high throughput computational immunogenomics, and genetics methodologies to reveal the adaptive immune response characteristics that are central to the pathogenesis of coccidioidomycosis infections and the protective immunity generated by vaccination. Dr. Buntzman’s global goals are to improve diagnostic testing and to develop novel therapeutics modalities for patients with coccidioidomycosis. |
![]() Professor and Associate Dean for Research, Environmental Science
We are conducting research to characterize the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils that tend to harbor Coccidioides. |
![]() Professor, School of Geography, Development & Envrionment, Hydrology & Atmospheric Science, Public Health
Andrew Comrie is an interdisciplinary climate scientist and geographer. His research links climate with health, pathogens and vectors, including coccidioidomycosis. He focuses on questions such as: How do disease patterns shift in space and time with changes in climate? His expertise includes climate and health, air quality, and climate variability and change in the Southwest US. He has held senior campus leadership positions and is currently chief academic officer for the Arizona Board of Regents.
![]() Associate Professor, Internal Medicine
As both a practicing physician and a research scientist, Dr. Donovan has long cultivated a particular interest in medical mycology. Her research focuses on the identification of virulence factors and the interaction of several fungi with the human host. She conducted studies in Coccidioides with goals to help in the earlier diagnosis of Valley fever to improve patient outcomes, lower costs and heighten antibiotic stewardship. Additionally, she is developing plans to study the host innate immune response to Coccidioides with a focus on the early events in coccidioidomycosis. |
![]() Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases Dr. Ellingson’s research focuses on the intersection of healthcare delivery and infectious diseases. She has worked with the Valley Fever Center for Excellence to assess diagnostic testing in outpatient and emergency care settings and to understand factors associated with the inappropriate use of antibiotics for patients with Valley fever. Dr. Ellingson is interested in the clinical epidemiology of Valley fever and how early diagnosis can improve care. |
![]() Research Consultant, Valley Fever Center for Excellence
The Frelinger lab has been interested for some years in immune responses to the lung pathogens, influenza virus and Francisella tularensis. They have begun collaborations on the role of T cell responses in Coccidioides infections and the development of an effective vaccine. |
![]() Assistant Professor, Medicine
Dr. Hayes's research and projects primarily focus on optimizing antimicrobial usage and limiting unnecessary diagnostic testing. His research interests related to Valley fever involve studying antifungal usage and stewardship in an endemic region for Valley fever. He is currently studying the utilization of antifungal agents, such as fluconazole, across multiple hospitals to define targets for antifungal stewardship. He is an active member of the Mycoses Study Group Education and Research Consortium and participates in MSG-sponsored clinical trials (previously an investigator for MSG-15: Suba-itraconazole versus conventional itraconazole in the treatment of endemic mycoses: a multi-center, open-label, randomized comparative trial). |
![]() Associate Professor, Immunobiology
The Johnson laboratory focuses on how microbes react to metal stress. He hopes to exploit microbial systems to make better treatments in bacterial and fungal systems. Dr. Johnson collaborates with the Galgiani laboratory as a protein biochemist to make new formulations of the CTS1 protein for diagnostics and understanding immunity. |
Professor, Internal Medicine
Research Director, Lung Insitute Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs Dr. Knox's research utilizes human blood and lung cells to study the characteristics of a protective immune response to Coccidioides. He is funded to develop a blood test to diagnose Valley fever and to determine who has been infected in the past. Dr. Knox is also interested in determining non-invasive ways to diagnose and discriminate lung nodules related to past Valley fever infection from cancer nodules. |
![]() Professor, Management Information Systems
Associate Dean for Research, Eller College of Management My research focuses on machine learning and applied natural language processing. I believe that clinical notes contain information relevant to earlier diagnosis of VF. |
![]() Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
We aim to develop broad-spectrum antifungals agaisnt pathogenic fungi including Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida auris, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Coccidioides spp. We are currently targeting essential fungal enzymes including, but not limited to, dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH), lanosterol synthase (ERG7), and mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase (MVD1). These genes are essential for the growth of these fungi. We developed high throughput screening strategies and identified candidate inhibitors with inhibition efficacy against these fungal pathogens. |
Associate Professor, Medicine
My work in Valley fever has generally focused on diagnostics, with a particular interest in the varied clinical and radiographic presentations of the disease and collaborative efforts focused on the development of novel diagnostics. In addition, as a transplant pulmonologist, I have clinical and research interests in the presentation and management of Valley fever in immunocompromised patients. |
![]() Principal Research Specialist, Medicine
Dr. Mandel's research focuses on defining mechanisms of the pathogenicity in Coccidioides by using molecular genetic methods and gene expression studies to understand the transition from the saprobic to the parasitic growth phase. She has developed tools for efficiently disrupt Coccidioides genes. She has been instrumental in work defining the role of CPS1, the gene that was deleted in the Valley fever live-attenuated vaccine, in Coccidioides. |
![]() Professor, Pharmacy Practice & Science
Dr. Nix just completed a project looking at azole usage in Part D Medicare recipients throughout the US. Arizona was the the state with the highest overall days supply and overall costs. |
![]() Professor, School of Plant Sciences
Dr. Orbach is a fungal geneticist and molecular biologist in the School of Plant Sciences at the University of Arizona. His laboratory studies the mechanisms of virulence of fungal plant and animal pathogens, with a focus on Coccidioides. His work studying Coccidioides virulence factors led to the discovery and development of the delta-cps1 vaccine against Coccidioidomycosis. |
![]() Assistant Research Professor, Valley Fever Center for Excellence, BIO5
Dr. Powell is an Assistant Research Professor in the Valley Fever Center for Excellence and BIO5 Institute. His work focuses on the use of animal models to study the host response to both Coccidioides vaccination as well as infection. Dr. Powell uses a variety of transgenic mouse models coupled with cellular immunology to dissect these host responses. His particular interest is in the initial recognition steps that allow some hosts to control infection where others do not. |
Assistant Professor, Medicine
I am currently working on a retrospective observational study pertaining to Coccidiodomycosis of the spine over a 10-year study period. I am also working on a case series pertaining to Coccidiodomycosis of the lower extremity in southern Arizona. |
Associate Research Professor, Environmental Science
I am part of a team measuring soil physical and chemical properties in areas where cocci are known to be present. In coordination with a microbiology team and an atmospheric science team, we are examining predictive properties in the subsurface that may signal outbreaks of cocci. |
![]() Research Scientist, Valley Fever Center for Excellence
Dr. Shubitz is a Research Scientist at The Valley Fever Center for Excellence. Her research focus includes developing a vaccine for Valley fever, studying the epidemiology of the disease in canines, the ecological distribution of the fungus in Southern Arizona and interactions between the host (both animal and human) and the fungus that causes Valley fever, using animal models. |
![]() Research Assistant Professor, Medicine
We are analyzing the effect of Cocci infection on Rho/ROCK activity in human and animal samples. |
Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
My group investigates how a key virulence related protein in the fungal pathogen that causes Valley fever, CPS1, functions during its life cycle. The CPS1 protein is important because it can be knocked out to create a strain of the organism that is not virulent and may make a suitable vaccine candidate. We use a high-powered imaging technique, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), to proved near atomic level images of the CPS1 protein to understand how it recognizes and acts on its substrate. We combine cryo-EM with with biochemical assays and light microscopy to gain an understanding of CPS1 activity. |
![]() Professor, Medicine
Director, Transplant and Immunocompromised Host Infectious Diseases Service Dr. Zangeneh is a Transplant Infectious Diseases physician who is involved in the daily care of immunocompromised patients affected by various infections. His research interests related to Valley fever involve studying coccidioidomycosis diagnostics and management in HSCT and SOT recipients. He is a member of the American Society of Transplantation and has published numerous articles relating to coccidioidomycosis in immunocompromised patients. |