The Arizona Telemedicine Program and The Valley Fever Center for Excellence Present:
The ATP Clinical Care Conference Series: Valley Fever
A series of webinars on how to manage Valley Fever infections
Clinical Care Conference - Valley Fever Grand Rounds
April 15, 2011
Dr. Galgiani reviews the overall epidemiology and pathogenesis of the fungal infection, coccidioidomycosis. The primary focus is on the most common manifestations of Valley Fever. A simple algorithm is proposed for a management strategy. In addition, the presentation describes the newly created state-wide organization, the Valley Fever Alliance of Arizona Clinicians, its role in improving clinical care for patients with Valley Fever, the benefits to clinicians of membership, and how interested health care professionals can become members.
July 8, 2011
Dr. Galgiani reviews the ecology of Coccidioides spp. as it pertains to the likelihood of developing infection. He also discusses common radiographic findings and the most common signs and symptoms of Valley Fever.
October 7, 2011
Dr. Galgiani discusses the primary care aspects of Valley Fever including current incidence of disease and treatment recommendations.
Surgical Treatment of the Spinal Coccidioidomycosis
November 2, 2011
Dr. U. Kumar Kakarla discusses Coccidioidal Infections in the spine, during the Sixteenth Annual Farness Lecture.
Valley Fever Series: Risk Factors for Complications
January 13, 2012
Dr. Galgiani provides an overview of risk factors that increase the likelihood of Valley Fever complications.
Valley Fever: Staging Newly Diagnosed Patients
April 13, 2012
Dr. Galgiani explains the importance of staging patients newly diagnosed with Valley Fever.
Managing Uncomplicated Valley Fever Infections
November 9, 2012
Dr. Galgiani discusses techniques for managing uncomplicated Valley Fever cases in the primary care setting.