Publications & Presentations

This is the Valley Fever Center's archive of publications and presentations created by our esteemed colleagues. The publications are formal reports on the latest findings on Valley Fever, and the presentations are from our Valley Fever Awareness Week events.

(2025) Coccidioidomycosis: Clinical Considerations in the Aftermath of Wildfires - Drs. Fariba Donovan and George Thompson

(2024) Valley fever: What can we do about it? Diagnosis, new treatments, and vaccines - John Galgiani, MD; UAHS Medicine Grand Rounds 

(2023) The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosing Primary Pulmonary Coccidioidomycosis in Arizona - AzDHS

(2023) Arizona Vaccine News, June 2023 

(2023) Western Regional Valley Fever Workshop

(2023) Valley Fever Vaccine Fast Facts Sheet

(2023) Mini Medical School: Climate Change and Health 101 - John Galgiani, MD.

(2022) Impact and Control of Valley Fever Workshop Recording - National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine

(2022) NASEM Impact and Control of Valley Fever Workshop (Proceedings)

(2022) Medical Grand Rounds (27th Annual Farness Lecture)- Robert Modlin, MD

(2021) VFCE Promotes Awareness of Disease that Affects Tens of Thousands of Arizonans - UArizona College of Medicine

(2021) Immunobiology Virtual Seminar - Bridget Barker, PhD.

(2021) Coccidioidomycosis Symposium - John Galgiani, MD.

(2020) We have both Valley fever and COVID‐19 in Arizona. Things to know. — John Galgiani, M.D. 

(2020) Cocci Collaborative Roundtable ​— John Galgiani, MD.

(2020) Canine Valley Fever Vaccine Webinar — Lisa Shubitz, DVM.

(2020) Immunobiology Virtual Seminar — John Galgiani, MD.

(2019) Cost of Valley Fever to Arizona — Arizona State University

(2019) Tuberculosis and Cocci Webinar — Curry Interational Tuberculosis Center 

(2019) Vaccine Strategies for Endemic Fungal Pathogens —  NIAID March Conference

(2018) Valley Fever Annual Report — Arizona Department of Health Services

(2017) Valley Fever Annual Report — Arizona Department of Health Services

(2016) Valley Fever Annual Report — Arizona Department of Health Services 

(2015) Valley Fever Annual Report — Arizona Department of Health Services

(2014) The Epidemiology of Coccidioidomycosis - 15 California Counties, 2007-2011 — Michael L. MacLean, M.D., M.S.

(2014) Valley Fever Annual Report — Arizona Department of Health Services

(2014) A Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) Vaccine for Dogs — Lisa Shubitz, DVM.

(2014) Diagnosis of Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever): The Ill Wind Blows — Michael Saubolle, Ph.D.

(2014) Epidemiology of Coccidioidomycosis in Arizona — Rebecca Sunenshine, MD.

(2014) Learn About Valley Fever — John Galgiani, MD.

(2014) Precision Health in Valley Fever: Does Ancestry Matter? — John Galgiani, MD

(2014) Precision Health: A Bold Initiative at the Arizona Health Sciences Center — Ken Ramos, MD., PhD.

(2014) Valley Fever in Children — Ziad Shehab, MD.

(2014) Recognizing/Managing Primary Coccidioidal Pneumonia — Neil Ampel, MD.

(2014) Treatment of Coccidioidomycosis — Janis Blair, MD.

(2012) Arizona – Valley Fever Report — Arizona Department of Health Services

(2011) The Public Health Significance of Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) in the US-Mexico Border Region — Orion McCotter, MPH.

(2011) You say Haboob, I say Dust Storm: Cocci Blowing in the Wind — John Galgiani, MD.

(2011) Coccidioidomycosis in Rheumatologic Patients — Susan Hoover, MD.

(2011) Current Diagnosis of Coccidioidomycosis: Definitive, Presumptive, and Maybe — Galgiani MD/ Sunenshine MD.

(2011) Surgical Management of Pulmonary Coccidioidomycosis, Thoracic Surgery (VATS) — Dawn Jaroszewski, MD.

(2011) Treating Rheumatologic Disease in Arizona: Good News, Bad News — Jeffrey Lisse, MD.

(2011) Update from the Coccidioidomycosis Study Group — Janis Blair, MD.

(2011) Surgery for Valley Fever — Sherry Meyerson, MD.

(2010) The Imminent Return of Skin Testing for Coccidioidomycosis: A Primer — Elizabeth Wack, MD.

(2010) Disseminated coccidioidomycosis: Valley Fever that escaped the lungs — Rodney Adam, MD.

(2010) Strategies for Managing Early Coccidioidal Infections: How Much is Enough? — John Galgiani, MD.

(2010) Coccidioidomycosis during Pregnancy — Neil Ampel, MD.

(2009) Coccidioidomycosis: an overview of Valley Fever and the fungus that causes the disease — Marc Orbach, PhD.

(2001-2008) Epidemiology Summary; Coccidioidomycosis in California - California Department of Public Health

(2001-2008) Yearly Summary Report of Coccidiodidomycosis in California - California Department of Public Health