
Cocci Publication in Scientific American

Scientific American recently released a new publication about fungal diseases, including Valley fever. It gives a deep dive into fungal diseases and their relation to COVID-19, and shows the potential outlook for the coming years. You can read the article HERE.

New Valley Fever Report from Arizona State University

This new report explains the financial costs to valley fever patients in the state of Arizona. The article describes the direct costs, such as doctor visits, treatment programs, and diagnostic procedures, as well as indirect costs from the loss of potential income once diagnosed with valley fever. It also touches on the differences of costs depending on manifestations of valley fever.

What to Know About Valley Fever During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Questions about Valley Fever during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Read this article from Banner and Dr. Galgani to help answer your questions! 

Click here to read more


New Valley Fever Training Manual

The third addition of the Valley Fever Manual has been finished! Click here: Valley Fever Training Manual to see the new manual! 

Would you like to see a Valley Fever Specialist?

For a directory of doctors with experience in treating valley fever, in Tucson and Phoenix, please click here:
